A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Answers

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A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Answers

[FREE] A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Answers | new!

Posted on 28-Mar-2021

Salva knew that he was very lucky to be able to go to school. He did not go during the rainy season because the roads were flooded, but when it was dry he could walk to school from his village. Salva's father was very successful and respected in the...

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A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Answers

[GET] A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Answers | latest!

Posted on 28-Apr-2021

Othertimes, they would practice using their bows and arrows to shoot animals. They weren't very good at shooting animals yet, but sometimes they killed a squirrel or a rabbit and would make a fire and roast the animal to eat. He wished he hadn't...

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Grade 7 English Language Arts

Grade 7 English Language Arts

Posted on 25-Mar-2021

Why did Nya believe the men would not find water in the spot the man pointed out? Chapter 10 A. She knew there was a dried well in that spot B. She knew it was in the other tribes territory. She knew that the rebels controlled the water. She knew there was no water on the service to collect the water. Why was Salva worried about traveling to Ethiopia? He was afraid his family would not find him.

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A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Crenshaw

A Long Walk To Water Unit Test Crenshaw

Posted on 13-May-2021

He was afraid that Ethiopia was going to be very different than his home. He was afraid that the people in Ethiopia would not like him. He was afraid to be separated from his uncle. Why was Salva excited to see someone with an orange headscarf walk through the e ntrance gate of the camp? Chapter 11 A. The color orange reminded him of home. The color orange was his favorite color. His mother wore an orange headscarf. People from his tribe wore orange headscarves. Why were the refugees being forced to leave the camp? Chapter 12 A. It was too crowded. There was no more money to support the camp. Ethiopia did not like the camps in their country.

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Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Analyze Setting, Plot, And Point Of View: A Long Walk To Water, Chapter 6

Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Analyze Setting, Plot, And Point Of View: A Long Walk To Water, Chapter 6

Posted on 27-Apr-2021

The Ethiopian government was on the brink of collapse. How was Salva similar to his uncle? Chapter 13 A. He now had experience fighting in the military. He took a leadership role and led a group of boys to a refugee camp. He was killed while leading a group. He knew how to operate a gun. Why was Nya dissappointed when the water shot out of the borehole? Chapter 14 A. The water stopped running after a few minutes. The water was very hot. The water was dirty. The group knew there was not going to be enough water for the village.

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Posted on 9-Mar-2021

Why was Salva so surprised about getting more clothes and everyone having their own seat on the airplane? Chapter 15 A. He felt that everyone was greedy. He didn't realize he could get stuff when he asked for it. His tribe taught everyone to share everything. He always has very little and shared, and he did not realize that it could be different. Why did Salva make plans to travel back to Sudan the first time? Chapter 16 A. He didn't like America B. He thought his new family didnt want him anymore. He was contacted by someone who found his father. He was too homesick and needed to go back to his country.

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A Long Walk To Water Quiz 1

A Long Walk To Water Quiz 1

Posted on 1-May-2021

Why was Salva's father sick? Chapter 17 A. He was diagnosed with HIV. He suffered infection from wounds he received in the war. He had the flu. He drank contaminated water. What problem faced Sudan that Salva knew he could fix? A food shortage C. The issue of dirty water D. Help the people who were attacked by lions How was Nya's village able to afford the well? Chapter 18 A. A school in America raised money to build the well. Salva became wealthy and sent money to Nya's village C. Aid workers from the United States helped pay for the well. Everyone in Nya's village got jobs in the city and paid for the well themselves. How are Salva and Nya connected in the story? They are from the same tribe. Salva helped raise money for the well that was built in Nya's village. Salva and Nya are really good friends. Salva and Nya decided to work together. Why did Salva feel numb? He had lost both his uncle and friend.

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A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story

A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story

Posted on 20-May-2021

She may get a chance to work at the school B. She wanted to learn how to read and write. She was glad there would be a place for her little brothers to go D. It added culture to the village Why did Nya wonder about who was building the well? Chapter18 A. He was handsome and she wanted to know his name. She didn't trust him C.

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A Long Walk To Water Test

A Long Walk To Water Test

Posted on 1-Apr-2021

Buy Study Guide Park weaves two stories together: that of Nya , a young girl from Sudan in , and that of Salva, a Sudanese boy whose story begins in the s and continues into the s. Her responsibility is to walk to the pond twice a day every day to fetch water for her family; it is a long, hot walk, but water is scarce in the region. She wishes she could go to school but that is only for boys. She worries about her sister, Akeer , who is sick from the poor water, but there is little that can be done.

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A Long Walk To Water Quotes

A Long Walk To Water Quotes

Posted on 13-May-2021

They talk with the elders and construction begins in the ground between two big trees. When Nya learns there is going to be a well built, she is skeptical. The drilling process is arduous, and one of the men who is clearly the leader has to coax and encourage the workers. Finally, the well yields fresh water and the entire village celebrates. One at a time, people bring their bottles to taste the clear water. Nya is also excited to learn that there is going to be a school built, and since she does not have to fetch water anymore, she can go to school. Nya walks over to the man who helped bring the well about and thanks him. He asks her name and she tells him. He tells her his name is Salva. Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by the patter of gunfire and the teacher shouts for all the boys to get down.

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U.S. Food And Drug Administration

U.S. Food And Drug Administration

Posted on 5-Apr-2021

When the shooting stops, he urges the boys to run into the bush so that they will not be conscripted into the fighting between the rebels and the soldiers in the Sudanese civil war. Salva obeys and runs into the bush, but he is stressed that he is separated from his family. He joins up with others on the run, but they eventually leave him because he is too young. He is able to join another group, however, and promises to keep up. The group decides to journey to Ethiopia, where they will be safe and stay in refugee camps. Salva is distressed about his family, but one day he discovers his uncle Jewiir has joined the group. Uncle is very kind to Salva and encourages him when the times get tough.

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A Long Walk To Water Summary

A Long Walk To Water Summary

Posted on 24-May-2021

However, he also tells Salva it is likely that his family was killed because the village was burned. Salva hopes Uncle will stay with him once they arrive in Ethiopia, but Uncle says he is going to return to the fighting. Salva makes a close friend named Marial on the journey, but, one night, ravenous lions take Marial. Salva is very upset. With the losses of Uncle and Marial, Salva actually feels stronger, as if they were helping him. He makes it to the refugee camp, where he is shocked at the number of people who are there. Salva ends up being in the camp until he is seventeen. Then, one day, the Ethiopian soldiers arrive and say they have to leave immediately. They use their guns and start pushing the people toward the rushing river nearby.

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A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story Test | Final Test - Easy

A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Posted on 26-Apr-2021

Salva knows there are crocodiles and that the current is strong, but when the soldiers start shooting, the people have no choice but to dive in. Salva barely makes it, and he does not know why he was spared. Once back in Sudan, he decides he will walk to Kenya where there are refugee camps. May other boys join him and he becomes a de facto leader.

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Flowers For Algernon Packet Answer Key

Flowers For Algernon Packet Answer Key

Posted on 4-May-2021

Salva lives in two different refugee camps for several years. He learns to speak English thanks to an Irish aid worker named Michael. One day, rumors begin sweeping the camp that some of the boys will be sent to America to live. The flights are long and Salva is amazed at the big world below him in the plane. He meets Chris, Louise, and their four children.

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Newton's Third Law

Newton's Third Law

Posted on 14-Apr-2021

He lives with them for a couple of years and decides to attend college and study business. He wants to do something for Sudan but is not sure what. One day, a cousin in Zimbabwe emails him and tells him his father is in a medical clinic in Sudan. Salva is astonished that his father is alive, and he immediately starts planning a trip. It takes many months, but finally, he is able to go. He arrives in Sudan and takes a jeep several hours to the clinic. He walks in, asks for his father, and confronts him. He recognizes him even though he looks older, and the two have an emotional reunion. His father tells him that his mother, brother, and two sisters are still alive, though two other brothers died in the fighting.

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A Long Walk To Water Quotes By Linda Sue Park

A Long Walk To Water Quotes By Linda Sue Park

Posted on 28-May-2021

Salva wishes he could see them, but he cannot return to the area while the fighting is still going strong or he would be taken. On the way home to America, Salva has an idea, which he pursues for the next couple of years. It takes a lot of planning, advice, forms, and more, but finally Salva is ready: he is going to build wells in Sudan with his nonprofit Water for Sudan.

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Grade 7 ELA Module 1 | EngageNY

Grade 7 ELA Module 1 | EngageNY

Posted on 3-Mar-2021

She will walk half the morning. Southern Sudan, Salva, a Dinka, is in school. He only attends for part of the year because his family moves away during the dry season. His father is considered successful in their village. Salva has three brothers and two sisters. His sisters are not allowed to attend school and instead learned how to keep 'house' from their mother. It was a very happy time. While in school Salva hears gunfire and is told by the teacher to run away from the village, to run away. There has been a war going on for two years. Rebels from southern Sudan have been fighting against the government. The government wanted everyone in Sudan to practice the religion Islam but not everyone in Sudan wanted this religion. As Salva runs from the school into the bush he sees many people running for their lives.

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A Long Walk To Water Activities

A Long Walk To Water Activities

Posted on 13-Mar-2021

Chapter Two Southern Sudan, Nya has to stop her walk to remove a large thorn from her foot. Southern Sudan, Salva continued to run away all day and night. There were many people, including some from his village, but he could not find his family. The people walk until they reach a rebel camp. There they are asked to sort themselves into two groups: men, and women and children. Salva joins the men but is then sent back with the children. The men are forced to go with the rebels but the women and children leave. They fall asleep in a barn but when Salva wakes up he realizes he has been left behind.

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Classrooms Websites

Classrooms Websites

Posted on 4-May-2021

Chapter Three Southern Sudan, Nya reaches the pond where many others have also come to fill their containers with water. She fills her container, and then places it on her head for the long walk back home. Southern Sudan, Salva knows he has been left because he was a child. He sees a woman outside the barn and recognizes that she is from his tribe because she has the Dinka scar pattern on her face.

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A Long Walk To Water Prestwick House Novel Teaching Unit | Teacher's Pet Publications

A Long Walk To Water Prestwick House Novel Teaching Unit | Teacher's Pet Publications

Posted on 21-Mar-2021

The woman feeds him and lets him stay in her barn. He can hear fighting in the distance. After a few days the women tell Salva she is leaving to be closer to water and he may not go with her, as it would be more dangerous for her. He is very scared and upset. Suddenly, more Dinkas arrive. Chapter Four Southern Sudan, Nya returns home to empty the water into other containers and eat lunch. Now she must return to the pond a second time.

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A Long Walk To Water Essay Questions

A Long Walk To Water Essay Questions

Posted on 13-Apr-2021

Her mother makes her bring her 5 year old sister along so she can learn what to do. Nya must make this trip twice a day every day for 7 months a year. Southern Sudan, The woman arranges for Salva to join the group of Dinkas who are trying to stay away from the war. The group walks for days with little rest or food. More people continue to join their group. He starts walking with another boy who is not Dinka, but Jur-chol, whose name is Buksa. Buksa hears a noise and discovers a beehive with honey for the group to eat.

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A Long Walk To Water Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

A Long Walk To Water Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

Posted on 25-May-2021

Her family moves there during the dry season when the pond dries up. They cannot live there all year because the different tribes fight over who owns the land. Nya is a Nuer and they fight with the Dinkas. Both groups must live there during the dry season, but try not to fight too much because they are just struggling to survive. Even the lake starts to dry up during the dry season. Nya must dig into the mud to find water. The water is very dirty and takes a long time to gather. As their walking continues, more people join the group. Salva makes friends with another boy, Marial, who also is without his family. Marial tells Salva that they are walking to Ethiopia.

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Long Walk To Water

Long Walk To Water

Posted on 14-May-2021

Salva is worried that his family will never find him. He hears someone calling his name…. Chapter Six Southern Sudan, Nya likes being at the lake because she does not have to spend the entire day walking. However, Nya realizes her mother dislikes their time at the lake. Her mother worries when her father and brother go hunting that they will run into and end up fighting the Dinkas. Southern Sudan, Salva has been found by his Uncle Jewiir, who is in the army. Uncle joined the group and immediately became a leader. He uses his gun to help get food for the group. Many people get sick because they eat too much food after not eating for a long time. As they walk, the group starts to have a hard time finding water. One morning when Salva awakens he hears crying. She has a very bad stomachache, diarrhea, and fever. Nya knows this illness happens to many people. The elderly and young children often die from it. There is a medical clinic but it is a few days walk away.

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Subject Verb Concord Exercises For Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Subject Verb Concord Exercises For Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Posted on 2-May-2021

Salva is very upset and scared. His uncle tries to make him feel better and keeps an extra close eye on the group. The group reaches the Nile River and must build a boat to cross the water. It takes several days of hard work until they are ready to cross the wide river. Chapter Eight Southern Sudan, Nya and her mother have taken Akeer to the doctor and she is now much better. They are told that Akeer was sick because the water was dirty. They need to boil the water to kill the germs, but if they boil the water for that long all the water will evaporate. They had a lot of food because of their access to water. The other members of the group have to beg for food.

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Math And Arithmetic

Math And Arithmetic

Posted on 6-Apr-2021

Some have died but others are still alive. They choose a spot between two trees and claim they will find water there. Nya is very confused. There was no water there! Southern Sudan, Salva tries to give some water to the collapsed men, but his uncle says he must keep it for himself because he was a child. Others in his group gave the men water and they were able to stand and join the group. He also tells Salva that he will leave Salva at a refugee camp and then go join the war. As the group ends their journey through the desert, they find a dead bird near a small pool of water and some trees. They build a fire to cook the bird but then men with weapons arrive. They tied up Uncle and made the group give them everything they had, including their clothes. Chapter Eleven Southern Sudan, The visitors leave and now the villagers must clear the land where the men said they would find water. The process of clearing the land is long and difficult; however each day as Nya returns from her trips to the pond she notices the progress.

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A Long Walk To Water Questions And Answers

A Long Walk To Water Questions And Answers

Posted on 24-Apr-2021

Southern Sudan and Ethiopia, The group buries Uncle, and then continues their journey. Salva realizes that although he is filled with grief, he seems stronger and more determined to survive the journey. The other members of the group turn against Salva and do not share their food or help him. The group finally arrives at the refugee camp. Salva is shocked by the thousands of people there.

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A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story By Linda Sue Park

A Long Walk To Water: Based On A True Story By Linda Sue Park

Posted on 6-Mar-2021

The novel started in the year , a few years into the Sudanese civil war. The war was between the Muslim government of the country, which tried to impose sharia law, and the southern rebels, who did not want to be Muslim. Another reason was the fight over natural resources. Either way, the Sudanese civil war is considered one of the most brutal civil wars in history, and millions of lives were affected. Many villages were destroyed, and millions of people were forced to flee their homes and run to neighboring countries such as Ethiopia. Some of the challenges the people had to face during the war are presented in the novel, including descriptions of what it was like to live in a refugee camp. The reason why their body reacted this way is that their stomachs became accustomed to eating little food. Because food was introduced into their diets in a chaotic manner, the members of the group got sick, their bodies not being able to stomach and keep down the food they ate.

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Wise, Karen / A Long Walk To Water - Linda Sue Park (Chapter Summaries)

Wise, Karen / A Long Walk To Water - Linda Sue Park (Chapter Summaries)

Posted on 8-May-2021

The civil war in Sudan left more than The children never reunited with their families as most became orphans during the war and in , at least 17, children still remained in the refugee camps. In , the United States of America started a program entitled the "Lost Boys of Sudan" that had the purpose of resettling some of the orphans in the country. As a result, that year more than children were sent from Sudan and adopted by American couples. The children then were either sent to school or helped to find a job in the new country. Salva was among the children chosen to go to America and there he was able to receive a good education that enabled him later to start a non-profit organization. Park's prose is sparse and lucid. She does not favor metaphor or overwrought imagery, nor does she provide a ton of description or dialogue. Rather, she lets the simplicity of her style speak volumes about what Salva endures without ever making it too inappropriately graphic or prurient for her young readers.

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